New Year resolutions

2015 came so quickly and now I have two beautiful boys. There are few things that I must try to do better this year. 

First, BLOGGING. I definitely dropped the ball last year with my blogging and always think I should have documented this vital part of my life. I do have to thank the crew at 40 weeks though since we did more video blogging than ever so I got to capture memories this way. Still writing is so intimate and you can share so much. My goal is to blog and capture all those life events and my feelings as much as possible. 

Second, organic/natural/free products. We have been doing well with this last year but need more of a boost in 2015. We have started using Seventh Generation products in most of all avenues of our lives. Seventh Generation diapers, bath soap, laundry detergents, cleaning products and even dabble into SG wipes. We also have like Honesty products from Jessica Alba especially her bath soap for babies. The scent is amazing. My boys both have sensitive skin so I have always tried to research different products and stayed natural and free for their beautiful skin and hair. Now I just need to make sure our food and diet can reflect that too. Of note, here are my favorite products:
1. Seventh Generation and Honest Co. diapers – smooth and natural on a babies bottom
2. Huggies Natural wipes – bigger and stronger than other brands 
3. Seventh Generation cleaning products – Safe for babies and really cleans
4. Honest Co. bath soap – mild and fragrant without drying babies’ sensitive skin 

Third, saving money. This is the resolution I need the most help with. Graduating from my Ob/Gyn residency is great but then I went on maternity leave which meant no more income (though residency income is laughable). The problem is the loan money is now due. On top of that, babies are expensive. Ethan, my 3rd year old, has school fees, extracurricular activities, new clothes (he is growing like a weed) and babysitting and more… Dexter, my lil baby of 4 months, DIAPERS, DIAPERS, WIPES, DIAPERS, and more diapers… In between all that Min and I have not had a date night since Dex has been born and really barely any since Ethan was born. I need more money saving solutions. I have started working but then it seems all my money disappears as soon as I get my paycheck. Help please? 

I will return to this post at the end of the year and hopefully will check each thing off. Happy New Year! 

P.S. Here is a photo of the boys

Dexter coming soon!

I am now 36 weeks awaiting the arrival of our second son, Dexter Kim. I am definitely having Braxton Hicks contractions now. I extremely tired. Still we just moved 2 weeks ago and my husband and I have nonstop tried to unpack as I decorate the new apartment. We had our baby shower and the theme was a vintage bow tie and mustaches with rustic, wooden touches of gold birds, a birdcage, and ethereal flowers. We had a photo booth with props for the guests. I had such a fun time planning with my girls but I have to say that I was a bit overwhelmed this time around since I am much slower at unpacking with a 30 pound belly. Min was so good at setting up the living room up and helping me realize my vision for our home decor. Here are some photos of the baby shower.


No excuses – just lazy!

To sum up about two years, Diana has delivered us a new addition to our family. I’ve been doing the same o’le at work and we have various nights were sleep was interrupted from time to time.

We also moved twice, yup that’s right twice. As we discovered we were with child we moved to the financial district to start nesting for our little boy. After a year, we found various options which included more room for more optimal dollar per square feet values. In this cost effective move, we actually lucked out tremedously

Literally the day before Hurricane Sandy struck the north eastern coast, we moved from one building that was about 5-6 feet lower in elevation than the building that we live in now. Our old apartment had major issues from flooding and is not expected to be habitable for even a few months in the future.

Our new apartment is still not completely restored, but was at least habitable after 3 weeks. Eletricity is pumping from a diesel generator outside and I hear that the maintenance crews have to pump water up the towers 20 minutes at a time, every hour on the hour. Still the team that works at this building is incredibly courteous and I’m very grateful that we made it through.

With that the final update is that we’re still setting up the new apartment. It’s about 85% setup, I would say. The last few things are assembling some last pieces of furniture, installing some shelves and putting up some pictures. I look forward to this holiday season and wish everyone else some joy this season!

Pregnancy progress

 IAmPregnant Ticker

Min and I went to the hospital 4 days ago when I started having contractions every 10 minutes then every 4 minutes as we took the cab to Beth Israel. The resident checked me and I was only 1 cm at that time. We went home around 4:30am.
Today I stayed home all day and rested. I want to be a good mommy for Ethan. He needs to grow big and strong with well developed lungs inside my belly. I went to the doctor yesterday and I am 2cm dilated, 50% effaced, and -2 station already. I am only 36 weeks! There has been some cervical changes so I am taking things slow. I do not want to go into preterm labor. Ethan needs to cook more. He is so active now, punching and kicking all the time.
I will be getting a sonogram next week. The bedside sonogram showed that Ethan is vertex and doing well with a strong heart. He is approximately 6 1/2 pounds now. He’s my big boy.
Min is so proud and eager for Ethan to come but at the right time. He loves us so much. He has been so supportive and cute with his man diaper bag he got at the baby shower. We are both counting the days.
I am excited that my family is coming for Christmas. I just need to finish my Christmas shopping though. I love this time of year; I love wrapping presents, decorating the house, making food and hot chocolate! I am missing the snow though. I want Ethan to see snow.


It has indeed been some time since the last blog entry and it definitely has been a mis-mash of ideas of how I wanted to blog, but I’m thinking the best is the idea that is the easiest. Now with Blogspot and “Windows Live Writer”, Diana and I should hopefully be able to both collaborate what’s going on in one place.

Some very slow progress is going on to revamping the main page with HTML5 & CSS3, but a lot more progress is being made on the android shooter game.

Other news is that our son Ethan is less than a month from joining us. I can’t wait to see him!